LAMP = Leader Accelerated Multiplication by Professionals
This course invites participants to embark on a profound journey, mining gold that can accelerate advances in global mental health care. Taught by Dr. John Warlow and team, it offers a robust presentation of the Christian Wholeness Framework. Participants are highly trained and experienced practitioners, educators, researchers, pastors, theologians, counsellors, therapists, psychologists, spiritual directors, doctors, and psychiatrists.
The Christian Wholeness Framework beautifully integrates theology and psychology in a masterful and mature way, providing a common uniting language which can be learned and spoken by people from all cultures and contexts. In many ways the CWF closes gaps between secular and sacred, psychology and theology, discipleship and healing, Global North and South, lay and professional.
Strong recognition of participants’ skills and competency sets, coupled with interactive group learning processes, integration of prior knowledge and capacity, through the language of the CWF, will be a powerful element of this course.
It is offered with interactive sessions, primarily online, and one week of face to face intensive in Chiangmai, October 13-17, 2025. Tutor led small group work, with personal application, skills work, and group case supervision contributes significantly to why people rate the Living Wholeness learning experience so highly.
Allow 2.5 hrs /week for self study, preparation, training sessions and reading.
Session times will be designed to fit students living in USA Asia and Australia time zones
Suggested is Brisbane Time 1100-1330.
Training will be one online session of 2.5 hr sessions every 2 weeks.
Allow 1 hour for small interpersonal group time every other week.
The First Session will be Thursday April 3 2025 1100-1330.
The Face to Face Intensive will be Oct 13-17
Students need to register interest with a USD$100 rego fee
On receipt, LW will arrange an intake interview.
Successful applicants will be notified and invited to pay course fees by March 20 2025
Course cost is USD$2500 including the Chiangmai food/accommodation costs.
A sliding scale approach is used and limited scholarships may be available.
Selection Criteria
Participants will need to fulfill the following criteria
- Post Grad degree (Masters or higher) in social sciences/theology/counselling etc
- Desire to learn the Christian Wholeness Framework
- Plan to use this learning to either train others across their own networks and/or join with the LW team as a trainer /multiplier
- Be available for the course sessions and group meetings and Oct 13-17 face to face training week in Chiangmai Thailand.
- Willingness to engage in an interactive adult learning style of training
- Willingness to apply learning of the CWF to self as well as others
- Demonstrated leadership, visioning, counselling and training gifting and capacity.
- Strong calling and commitment to continue working within own cultural setting.
- Care for Others: Take personal responsibility and seek to bless your classmates.
- Endorsement by the local church and /or pastor,
- Positive outcome from an intake interview with the teaching team
- English capacity for comprehension, speaking, and writing, at component level.
- Register and pay course fees in timely manner
- Acknowledge copyright of the CWF material – belonging to LW but able to be taught by LAMPP Graduates.
- Commitment to complete all components of the course within the time frame
- Graduates of this course may join the Master Trainer Community as a group for two years
- Master Trainer graduates are eligible to join the LW Elders Community
- Master Trainer people are expected and supported to teach CWF across networks and spheres of influence as well as assist LW training events
- LW+BST (Brisbane School of Theology) Certificate of Completion
Applications close March 1 2025
USD$100 registration fee (non refundable)
Contact for Enquiries
Eva Yang