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Note: For Australians all gifts are tax-deductible through Healthserve Click Here.
For residents of USA, UK, Netherlands, & New Zealand donate with tax deduction through Global Development Group Click Here.
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Living Wholeness Bank Information:
Westpac Bank
BSB 034013
Account No. 405934
Swift Code: WPACAU2S

How we use donated funds
Living Wholeness leaders and board members source their income from private or missional support. Thus, all financial gifts to Living Wholeness Ltd. are directed to growing the ministry and impact of Living Wholeness Ltd. Overheads and administrative costs are low.
Some projects may be extended. Project funds are reallocated to other projects if targets are exceeded or the project ceases due to reasons beyond our control.
Living Wholeness Ltd is registered with Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission and is committed to best practice and transparent governance and accountability as a trusted Not-for-Profit entity.
Living Wholeness Ltd. ACN 631 299 315 ABN 24 631 299 315
I’m giving my whole life for Living Wholeness
– Henry, Pastor in East Asia who is being persecuted for using CWF