
Devotion Posts

Devotion – Engage Help

The story of Moses is a profound illustration of servant leadership, humility, and the necessity of community support in fulfilling one’s calling. When Moses was called by God to lead….
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Devotion – Responding to God

I appreciate the shapes that sit on the respond step of the Christian Wholeness Framework: the circles, the cross, the combined cross and square, the triangle. They illustrate….
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Devotion – Praying Hands

How do you practice the presence of God in everyday life, in a proactive way, God Through You (GTY)? I can find myself so often living reactively to whatever is going on around…
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Living Wholeness gave us very practical tools that are profound and precise, and you taught us how to really be transformed. I felt like I wasn’t in a lesson or class but in a family.

– Tri, Leader, Nepal



Our courses are all taught by Living Wholeness accredited trainers, in an interactive adult learning style, consistently enjoying high levels of participant satisfaction. They are offered in English, and through translation, in other languages. 



All courses present facets of the Christian Wholeness Framework (CWF). These courses consistently enjoy high satisfaction levels with participants, who should expect to grow with God, themselves and others, and be equipped with the knowledge and skills the need to counsel others.