The Cross
By Steffi Gerber

The race of our life:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Heb 12:1+2 (NIV)
Why the cross?
Some time ago a friend asked me: Steffi, you keep sharing about this Living Wholeness stuff and I notice you always speak about the cross. Coming to the cross, the cross activity…. Why don’t you say “Coming to God or the Jesus-Activity?”. Why the Cross? My friend’s question made me think. As E-team we spend some time together to think exactly about this question. It was a wonderful time collecting our understanding about the cross and sharing memories at the cross with each other.
What is the cross for you?
The cross has so many aspects: Ironically the first thoughts what comes to me is “the well of life”. It was meant to be a tool of death but to many of us it is a place of life. We are surrounded by destruction and death, but God has plans of hope and future for us. This brings me to the next thought: the place of exchange. I remember sitting during a LW “cross-activity” with a heavy heart, full with me and my anxiety and deep frustration. The cross in front of me. With my head knowledge hoping but not really believing that this “could work”. The time came for me decide to bring it to Jesus, letting go and walk over to the other side. Receiving – HIS assurance that He knows. He knows my anxiety, anger and unbelief and with that came the peace of Christ in my heart – and in my head.
Testimony – A pastor from Sri Lanka explained it this way:
“I am a person I didn’t have any trust or had not a good thought about counseling. I rejected that. So 41years I thought there is no need for counseling. I thought spiritual support is enough but I am going back – having learned now with Living Wholeness there is a wholistic freedom and I saw the experience of bringing our burdens to the foot of the cross and I saw how this people in this conference where released from their burdens. I want to say thank you to those who worked so hard for this conference to happen.”
There are so many wonderful aspects of the cross. Today was about turning back, deciding to believe in my unbelief. The race of our life is the walk to the cross. Returning to where I belong.
How often do you go to the cross – or the space what the cross represents?
The preaching of the cross is, I know, nonsense to those who are involved in this dying world, but to us who are being saved from that death it is nothing less than the power of God. 1.Cor 1:18 (Philipps)