The Transforming Power of The Cross
By Tsatsa Narantsatsral
The shape of the Cross illustrates the profound response from God to humanity—a response that remains constant, whether the recipient acknowledges it or not and it is the essence of spiritual transformation. Within the Christian Wholeness Framework (CWF), the Cross is central to the Response step. It has a dual placement: under the Square, illustrating our position in Christ, and at the centre of the Circles, representing the ongoing process of transformation in our hearts.
In addition to being a symbol of salvation, the cross represents the transformative journey from self-centeredness to God-centeredness. It invites us to consider: “What difference does Jesus make in my life?” This question lies at the heart of our reflection and practice as believers, shaping how we understand our relationship with God and His work in our lives.
The Cross has both vertical and horizontal dimensions that represent our spiritual position and practice. The vertical dimension illustrates our relationship with God—our standing in Christ as forgiven, redeemed, and reborn children of the Father. This position is unshakable, regardless of how we feel or behave. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have been reconciled to God and placed into His family. Romans 3:23-24 reminds us, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” On the other hand, the horizontal aspect reflects our life in the world, lived out in relationships and daily actions. It acknowledges that while our position in Christ is secure, our lives may still reflect areas of self-centeredness, pride, and sin. Transformation occurs as we bring these areas to the Cross, receive God’s forgiveness, and realign ourselves to His purposes.
The shape of the Cross invites us to daily apply several truths about our relationship with God. First, His Person reminds us that the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—reveals the fullness of God’s nature and love. Second, His Presence assures us that, by the Spirit, God dwells within us, communing with our spirit and transforming us from within. Third, His Placing of Us highlights that we are forgiven, born again, united with Christ, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Fourth, His Purposes for Us reveal that God calls us to intimacy with Him, to love others, to imitate Christ, and to join Him in His mission to the world. Finally, His Provisions for Us remind us that God equips us with unfailing love, forgiveness, freedom, fullness, and strength to fight the good fight.
The Spirit Circle corresponds to the ongoing work of transformation at the Cross. It reflects God’s unchanging response to the human heart, providing truths that remain constant regardless of our circumstances.
Unshakable Position in Christ
Our position in Christ is secure. As 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” This truth applies even when we struggle with doubt, fear, or selfishness. Our identity as God’s beloved children remains unchanged.

God’s Presence Within Us
In our position of being born again, we have the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Revelation 21:3-4 promises, “God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.”
Living with Purpose
We are created for intimacy with Christ and called to imitate Him. As John 17:18 says, “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” This purpose gives our lives meaning and direction.
Provisions for the Journey
God’s provisions enable us to live transformed lives:
- unFailing Love: God’s love replaces shame and brings intimacy with Him (Psalm 52:8, Romans 5:5).
- Forgiveness: Through the Cross, we are justified and freed from guilt (Romans 5:8-9, John 19:30).
- Freedom: In Christ, we are set free from sin and empowered by the Spirit (John 8:36, Galatians 5:22-23).
- Fullness: We are filled with Christ’s life and joy as we abide in Him (John 15:4, Colossians 2:10).
Fight a Good Fight: We are equipped to face challenges and grow in resilience (Ephesians 6:13, 1 Timothy 1:18).

journey of transformation involves moving from self-centeredness to God-centeredness through daily encounters with the Cross. The Combined shape of the Square and the Cross symbolises this process: as we bring our sin, pain, and brokenness to the foot of the Cross, we experience God’s grace and are restored to healthy, God-centered functioning.
This transformation is ongoing. The Holy Spirit continually illuminates areas of our lives that need to be surrendered to God—pride, self-righteousness, lack of faith. Each time we respond with repentance, we are renewed and realigned with God’s purposes. As 2 Corinthians 3:18 describes, “We are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory.”
Even in moments of failure, the Cross offers comfort and assurance. We fall no lower than the foot of the Cross, where God’s forgiveness and grace are always available. Romans 8:1-2 reassures us: “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.”
Transformation is not merely a theoretical concept; it must be lived out daily. This practice involves surrendering to God, resisting temptation, and embracing His love and forgiveness. It is a journey marked by both challenges and joys, as we grow into Christlikeness and live out our faith in every aspect of life.
To share my own experience, the Cross at the centre of the Circles became the turning point in my journey of healing and transformation. For a long time, I searched for peace externally—in circumstances, relationships, and achievements—only to find myself restless and unfulfilled. True healing began when I experienced the fullness of God’s 5Ps—His Person, Presence, Provision, Placing, and Purpose—in the deepest part of my being. These truths touched every aspect of who I am—my social, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self—and began to heal me from the inside out.
This profound experience reshaped how I live out my faith. Each day, I aim to practice using the combined shape of the Cross and Square, sitting at the bottom right corner of the Square, which I now consider my spiritual home. It is here that I bring my weaknesses, self-centeredness, and vulnerabilities before God. As I rest in this place of surrender, I find His grace, love, and strength renewing me. This daily practice fuels my ongoing transformation and sanctification, drawing me closer to Christ and aligning my life with His purposes.
Reflection and Invitation
The shape of the Cross calls us to respond: How is God inviting you to bring areas of self-centeredness to the Cross today? Are there aspects of your life where you need to experience His forgiveness, freedom, or fullness? Take time to reflect on His provisions and promises, and invite the Holy Spirit to illuminate areas of transformation. As you journey with Him, remember: the Cross is not only a place of redemption but also a wellspring of ongoing renewal and grace.