Understanding Depression and How to Beat it!

$ 20.00

Nikles, Dr. D. (2011)
Understanding Depression and How to Beat it!



Understanding Depression and how to beat it!

An explanation of depression for health professionals, clients and their relatives.

Have you been diagnosed with depression, or know someone who has? Need a resource for your clients? Want to know more about how to manage depression? This simple explanation of an extremely common but debilitating condition is written so that carers, sufferers, and their families can quickly gain a broad picture of depression. There are many practical, up to date suggestions on how to manage and overcome it. Knowing your foe will ensure your victory.

Dr David

Dr. David Nikles MBBS Dip RACOG FRACGP is an Australian Family Physician, with many years experience in the area of counseling and mental health care. He has a passion to empower people on the road to personal transformation, and to train and equip others who share that vision. David lives in China, with his wife Susanne. They have been married for over 27 years, and have a son and two daughters.