
Graduate Certificate: Pastoral Care for Mental Health

Graduate Certificate: Pastoral Care for Mental Health

The Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Care for Mental Health is aimed at equipping Christians to respond in a God- Centred way to those who are living with mental health struggles, and those who are suffering.

The course equips students with both the theological grounding and the practical skills for engaging in effective pastoral care across professional, ministry, mission and personal settings. It is presented by the partnership of Brisbane School of Theology and Living Wholeness and is an Australian College of Theology (ACT) accredited course. The course is offered both face to face and online via zoom.

The course is designed for people in the following roles and is relevant across all Christian denominations including:
– Pastors and their spouses
– Pastoral care team & leaders
– Chaplains – school, hospital, armed forces, sports chaplains.
– School teachers especially when involved in guidance and counselling
– Medical/nursing/paramedical/allied health/counsellors/mental health workers
– Member care – mission agencies, leaders, missionaries
– Youth workers
– Counselling supervisors, coaches, and mentors.

The primary units equip students with a rigorous theological framework for pastoral care for mental health and wellbeing, while the elective units integrate theological reflection with advanced skills in pastoral care. This is a specialist award that equips graduates with the specialist knowledge necessary for gospel ministry in today’s world, as well as to prepare graduates for further learning and research.

Subjects – 4 Units; Part time only

3 Core Units
– Theological Perspectives on Mental Health PC137-812 (Core unit)
– Theological Approaches to Wellbeing PC136-812 (Core unit)
– Mental Health Issues in Christian Counselling IN004-812 (Core unit)

Choice of One Elective
– Spiritual Formation PC008-812 (Elective)
– Field Education (Elective)
– Pastoral Skills and methods PC003-812  (Elective)

Rev Dr Richard Gibson BSocWk, DipATh, BTh, MTh, PhD
Dr John Warlow MB ChB FRANZCP
Karen Nivala BSpPath (Honours), GradDipDiv, MDiv

Contact us

More information

Contact for Enquiries

Karen Nivala

Integrated Marriage Therapy LWSA/Gottman Level 1

Integrated Marriage Therapy

LWSA/Gottman Level 1

2024, May 10&17 / June7 / July 12&19
On Zoom, 6-8 pm Brisbane time

Living Wholeness Systems Approach (LWSA) and Gottman Marriage Therapy Level 1 Course

Dr. John Warlow and Dr. Carolyn Russell have worked extensively on integration of Gottman Techniques and the CWF.  Dr. Carolyn is a Gottmann expert.

They taught this at PACT 3 in August 2023, and many people asked for further training.

Thus, we have developed a 20 hr integrated training suitable for pastoral and professional counsellors with an understanding of CWF.

Ideal participants would be PACT graduates (cohort 1 2 or 3) and current Master Trainer students.

Others also welcome, however some prior knowledge of the CWF will be helpful. Requirements to receive the Gottman Level 1 Certificate (Gottman is stricter than we are!)

  • You must attend ALL sessions to receive the Gottman Level 1 Certificate
  • On registration, you will receive your  LWSA Book.
  • You will be given access to the Gottman Level 1 Video series on May 17 and have until July 12 to complete watching these 12 hours of videos.
  • There is a simple quiz that will follow the video series.
  • Complete the final assessment after July 17.
  • Those who complete the requirements will receive both a LWSA/Gottman certificate and a Gottman Level 1 Certificate.


Please pay via the LW Pay page and make sure your name and LWSA/Gottman is on the payment slip.


  • Currently enrolled Master Trainer 1, 2 or 3 students USD$100
  • Other PACT 1-3 graduate USD$150
  • Others USD$300


Please ask Eva re admin or David re the course.

If you are interested at this stage please register here.

More information

Contact for Enquiries

Eva Yang

Christian Counselling for Mental Health

Christian Counselling for Mental Health

Our partner organisation Brisbane School of Theology offers a Graduate Certificate Pastoral Care for Mental Health.

Commencing Feb 2024 is a 30 hr subject on Christian Counselling for Mental Health.

Teachers:  Dr. John Warlow & Karen Nivala.

Audit or join the whole course, beautifully integrating deeper Theology mental health and the CWF. Brush up, or refer friends and colleagues. 

Hybrid so anyone globally can attend (in English).

Unit Outline

More information

Contact for Enquiries and Application

Karen Nivala

Training of Trainer

Training of Trainers (TOT) Accreditation Course

If you have graduated from an advanced level LW Cousre such as PACT, the BST Grad Certificate, LWTP,
or other longer involvement with LW then we invite you to participate in this training of LW trainers course.
It will be very practical and was designed to empower people to teach any of the following LW Courses.

  • Small Groups: In Step
  • Steps Into Living Wholeness
  • TEE Pastoral Care Course
  • Lay Counsellor Level 1 and 2
  • M. Div Pastoral Care subject
  • Other Training as submitted to LW team.

We are well aware that many of the LW community are highly experienced trainers and may not see a need for participation.

The TOT course will take 12 hours over a year, within 2 semesters of 4 months each. It will comprise 6 hrs interactive class teaching, and a practricum, over semester 1 and 6 hrs practical skills demonstration, class interaction, and group learning, during semester 2.

Teachers will be from this group of Gill Vriend, Steffi Gerber, Claire Wadsworth, Carolyn Russell, Susanne Nikles. Other senior level Master Trainer students may join as well as co trainers, group leaders and so on.

Students will benefit most if they are preparing to teach a LW training. However, it will be also beneficial if they have just completed one or are considering training in future.

The training sessions are built on each other. It is therefore recommended to attend all of these TOT sessions.

The cost of attending this TOT training alone will be USD$60.
Apply for limited scholarships if needed.

The TOT cost is fully included contained within the Master Trainer Full Program cost. Meaning for enrolled Master Trainer students the TOT is free.

A similar system will be introduced for LW Supervision which will be the major component of year 2 of Master Trainer.


Semester 1 (Feb – May 2024) Dates below

  • Feb 12 (6-8pm Brisbane time)
  • Feb 26 (6-8pm Brisbane time)
  • March 25 (6-8pm Brisbane time)

Semester 2 (Aug-Nov 2024) tbc


  • Master Trainer enrolled students – included in MT fee ie free
  • Non enrolled people – USD$120


More information

Contact for Enquiries

Eva Yang

Master Trainer 3

Master Trainer 3

Master Trainer is NOT an accredited Master’s Degree

Master Trainer is the key way to maintain involvement with the Living Wholeness Community once you have completed a PACT, Graduate Certificate, or similar course.

It is as much a community as a training. We offer three main areas to plug into:

  • Group TASK Supervision Group – in a new format
    Empowering you to develop in your vision, ministry and calling, and continue growing personally and professionally through a supportive facilitated Supervision TASK group.
  • Community Involvement  – many options
    An invitation to both contribute your gifting and receive support.
  • Training and Resource support – empowering you with useful training, training course access, and resources to better equip you to teach CWF in your settings.  

Master Trainer is ideal if you are keen to grow as you counsel and train people in the CWF, remaining in connection with others on a similar journey.


  • Pastors
  • Pastoral counsellors
  • Professional counsellors
  • Coaches
  • Trainers, across the marriage parenting pastoral counsellor continuum
  • Mentors & Supervisors
  • Educators – Tertiary level: Seminary and Uni lecturers

The Main Three Focal Points of Master Trainer are

1. Your Supervision TASK Group

Peer Equivalent Level Covering Areas Like:

  • Empowering God thru you – your vision and calling
  • Ministry and Professional Learning goals
  • Counseling /coaching cases AND….
  • Training situations
  • Mentoring each other and your mentoring of others
  • CWF issues and topics
  • Ministry issues
  • Local Church involvement
  • Group work eg LW and other groups
  • Cross cultural learning opportunities
  • Self Care accountability

2. LW Community Involvement

Direct Involvement

Get involved where God leads you building the LW community for example

  • Developing LW
  • Assist with LW events
  • Newsletter contributions
  • National LW Team leadership and assisting

LW Community Events

  • Webinars
    • March 22 CWF Coaching – John Warlow
    • May 24 Integrated Trialogue – John Warlow and team
    • Sept 27, Nov 22 Hot topics arising from students
  • Tea Party

3. Training and Resources

  • Access to courses to train Level 1 2 +
  • Access to LW G Drive course material ppts trainer and participants manuals etc
  • Access to LW resources for your own use and training others
  • Access to materials for translation into your language
  • Specific Courses
    • This year TOT and LWSA/Gottmann
    • Next year Growing as a Supervisor and Trauma?
  • Expectation that participants will teach or assist at least 3+/10 LW courses over the next 4 years (listed below)



4. SAP Groups

  • Please let us know if you are seeking one
  • OR find your own venue for personal sharing prayer and growth

5. Research Group (Optional)

  •  Join if interested let David know

Master Trainer Benefits

  • Discount on LW materials and resources 10%
  • Access to assistance for translation of materials where required (if approved)
  • Access to a dynamic international network of CWF based peers and colleagues.
  • Access to support to collaboratively develop courses, products and services relevant to local settings.
  • Access to involvement in LW research processes and findings
  • LW email address and access to LW G Drive resources

Minimum Requirements over the year

ComponetMinimum Hrs
Supervision TASK Group8 x 2 = 16
(Contributions welcome)
4 x 2 = 8
We will encourage you to find your own venue for personal sharing prayer and growth
Expected not enforced
Training Courses Required
TOT 202412
Supervisor Training 202512
Training Elective Options
LWSA/Gottmann 202420
Training Others Options
Requirement is full involvement with delivery of at least 3 of these 10 options over the 4 years.
o Assist or teach Level 1-2 courses
    o Commencing the Journey
     o In Step Small Groups
    o Steps into LW
    o Lay Counsellor Training A
    o Lay Counsellor Training A+B
o Assist w PACT
    o Assist w teaching Unit 1/3
    o Assist w skills and T groups Unit 1/3
    o Asist w group supervision   Unit 2
o Assist w M Div Pastoral Care
o Assist w other courses as arise
o Assist with Junior Master Trainer supervision (yrs 1-2)




Fostering LW Community
· Assist with LW events
· Newsletter contributions
· Assist with online events
· National LW Team leadership and assisting
Tea PartyOptional
LW Conference
As arises


People who graduate from the Master Trainer Course receive a valuable certificate from LW & BST.

Full Program Master Trainer Year 1 and 2 includes Training Of Trainers200/yr
Full Program Master Trainer Year 3 and 4 includes Training Of Trainers100/yr
Just Training Of Trainers                202460
Just Supervisor Training Unit        2025120
Webinars per session if not Master TrainerFree
Just LWSA/Gottmann Level 1 Course150
LWSA/Gottmann Level 1 Course + Master Trainer Year 1 or 2300
LWSA/Gottmann Level 1 Course + Master Trainer Year 3 or 4200
Couple discount on second person20%
Pay four years up front500


More information

Contact for Enquiries

Eva Yang

South Asia PACT 4 Pastoral & Advanced Counsellor Training

South Asia PACT 4

PACT = Pastoral & Advanced Counsellor Training

The PACT Course offers in depth training in the Christian Wholeness Framework. It has two streams – pastoral counsellor or advanced counsellor. Participants grow in their understanding and personal and vocational application of the Christian Wholeness Framework (CWF). This forms the basis for a wholistic Biblically and psychologically integrative approach to care and counselling. Participants are equipped to become integrative Christian counsellors, and to begin to train and supervise lay counsellors.

Participants are selected on their desire to be multipliers – to train, equip and empower the Body of Christ to meet the many issues that are faced both within the Church, and the wider community, within the developing Asian region.

The course covers four essential paradigms: TASK:

Transformation – Participants are invited to examine their own lives and walk a person transformational journey applying the CWF material, steps, shapes, and theology, to themselves.

Attitudes –   Participants are invited to continually reflect on the all important ‘how’ we are as counsellors in order that we can ‘do’ more wholistically.

Skills – Participants receive training in the essential skills of good counselling to Connect with, Understand, if needed Respond to their clients, at  times Engaging the help of others and finally Evaluating the process. The Five Steps of CUREe.

Knowledge – Participants learn particularly the integration of Biblical and psychological knowledge for safe effective practice through the Five Shapes of the CWF. Participants begin to learn to apply that understanding to see self and others through these shapes. Classes employ an interactive adult learning style, with much tutor facilitated group work. The training is in English. Participants need good English fluency to participate effectively.  Living Wholeness practice is that participants attending in groups of 2-3, from one nation or locality, will be given preferential seats. The course requires a total participation commitment of around 300 hours over 12 months.

Course content

Unit 1 commences with a 2 day online intensive, followed by reading course material with online small group discussions, and transformational group participation. This is followed by a 10 day face to face intensive.

Unit 2  includes counselling case load, online group supervision, reading, an assignment, a 6 hour unit on mental health (self-study videos) some teaching components, and an expectation to train others in the material at a basic level. This is conducted online over 11 months.

  • Plan for approximately 4-5 hrs work/study a week for this unit.

Unit 3  concludes the course with a 10 day face to face intensive, including further input on working with marriage and families, trauma healing, small groups training, and training in training others in CWF.

Some details and dates may move depending on how the world is at the time.


This course is presented jointly by Living Wholeness  and Brisbane School of Theology

Graduates who complete all the required work receive Graduation Certificate, and are eligible to enrol for the subsequent Living Wholeness Master Trainer Program. This is NOT a masters degree but offers a place for ongoing support, learning, dialogue, supervision, and participation in the LW community. Participants who attend but do not submit all required work receive an Attendance Certificate only.


Full Program Unit 1, 2 and 3:

Tuition + materials + face to face classes food and accommodation: USD$1000.  Travel costs NOT included.

Some scholarship assistance may be available.


Complete the application form to register your interest.

More information

Contact for Enquiries

Eva Yang